C/ Enric Granados, 86-88, 5è 1ª – 5è 2ª, 08008 Barcelona · 93 268 87 40 info@ms-advocats.com
The 2022-2023 income tax return

The 2022-2023 income tax return

Calendar of the 2022-2023 income tax return The income tax return is one of the most important tax procedures in Spain. Currently, the 2022-2023 income tax return has already begun and the draft tax return can already be filed, which is expected to be one of the most...
Surrogacy gestation

Surrogacy gestation

Surrogacy gestation and legal status in Spain Surrogacy gestation, also known as substitution gestation or subrogated motherhood, is a reproductive process in which a woman, called a surrogate mother, gestates to an embryo that is generated by artificial insemination...
Rental scams of homes in Barcelona

Rental scams of homes in Barcelona

Learn to protect you from the rental scams of homes in Barcelona and make sure to rent a home without problems. Rental scams housing in Barcelona are a very common practice in the current real estate sector. When renting a flat, it is important to be careful and to be...
Children’s rights after separation

Children’s rights after separation

Children’s rights after separation are a difficult situation for any family. In Barcelona, the law stipulates that the rights of children must be respected during the separation process. However, it is often difficult to know exactly what these rights are and...
Workplace harassment lawyers in Barcelona

Workplace harassment lawyers in Barcelona

Have you been the victim of workplace harassment in Barcelona? Our workplace harassment lawyers in Barcelona can help you report it and receive compensation. Introduction Harassment at work is a reality in many companies and Barcelona is no exception. If you’ve...
Prórroga de la moratoria contable

Prórroga de la moratoria contable

Si su empresa arrastra pérdidas de ejercicios anteriores, sepa que la moratoria contable que fue aplicable al cerrar las cuentas de 2020 y 2021 se ha prorrogado hasta 2024. ¿En qué consiste esta prórroga y cómo debe actuar? Prórroga de la moratoria contable Causa de...