C/ Enric Granados, 86-88, 5è 1ª – 5è 2ª, 08008 Barcelona · 93 268 87 40 info@ms-advocats.com

Fines from the Labour Inspectorate can be reduced by up to 40% if certain requirements are met.

Puede reducir el importe de la sanción

The Labour Inspectorate may issue infringement reports and impose penalties for breaches of regulations on labour relations, social security or occupational risk prevention, among other matters.

Once the inspections have been completed, the company will receive the infraction report, which will indicate the amount of the fine and the possibilities of challenging it, the body to which the appeal should be addressed and the deadlines for doing so, as well as informing of the option of a reduction in the amount of the fine.

The fine may only be reduced when the penalty is exclusively pecuniary in nature and a 40% discount may be applied for, provided that the following requirements are met:

Payment of the amount due on time.

Explicitly waive the right to challenge the infringement report by means of allegations, appeal or any other administrative action.

The company has a total of 15 days from the notification of the infringement report to indicate its option for the reduction. To do so, it must submit to the investigating body a letter stating its willingness to pay and its waiver of the challenge.

After submitting the aforementioned letter, the company will receive a reply from the Administration with the payment instructions and with the 40% reduction already applied. In order to maintain this reduction, payment must be made and accredited to the investigating body within 10 days of receipt of the communication. Otherwise, the right to the reduction is lost.

Our professionals will advise you on labour inspections and infringements and penalties in the social order.