C/ Enric Granados, 86-88, 5è 1ª – 5è 2ª, 08008 Barcelona · 93 268 87 40 info@ms-advocats.com
CEO remuneration

CEO remuneration

If the CEO is paid, legal requirements must be met. When in joint stock companies or limited liability companies the administrative body – which represents and manages the company – is organised through a Board of Directors, decisions are taken jointly at...
Online services. Website closure

Online services. Website closure

The administration can prevent the sale of illegal medicines but needs judicial authorisation to cease offering advice. On the basis of the protection of public health, the Administration can decide on its own, without the need for judicial authorisation, to stop the...
Fixing “unemployment papers” can be costly.

Fixing “unemployment papers” can be costly.

If an employee asks you to “fix his unemployment”, can you fire him, and what are the risks involved? It is a well-known practice whereby an employee informs the company of his resignation, but asks the company to “fix his unemployment papers”...
Dividend distribution rules

Dividend distribution rules

If there is no equity imbalance and reserves and preferential payments are covered, dividends can be distributed. When a company makes a profit at the end of the financial year, it is logical that the shareholders will want to distribute these profits as dividends. In...
You can reduce the amount of the penalty

You can reduce the amount of the penalty

Fines from the Labour Inspectorate can be reduced by up to 40% if certain requirements are met. The Labour Inspectorate may issue infringement reports and impose penalties for breaches of regulations on labour relations, social security or occupational risk...
Anticipating insolvency: the restructuring plan

Anticipating insolvency: the restructuring plan

Do you know that you can now negotiate your next maturities while you are still solvent? Until now, the law only allowed access to pre-insolvency proceedings (a negotiation with creditors prior to insolvency proceedings) to those who were in a situation of current or...