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All companies have an annual training credit that is reflected in a series of bonuses in Social Security contributions

Agote el crédito de formación


Companies have an annual credit to spend on training, which is calculated by applying a percentage to the amount paid for professional training in the previous year.

To apply the incentives (the cost of the courses is recovered in the future through the quotation bulletins), the company must carry out some administrative steps:

You must have communicated the start of each course to the Administration two days in advance through the FUNDAE website.
The cancellation or modification of the data of a course (a change of schedule, execution date or location) can be communicated one day before the scheduled start date.

When applying the bonuses, the cost for each bonus course hour cannot exceed the following amounts, depending on the type of course:

Onsite. If the course is face-to-face, the maximum subsidized cost per hour is 13 euros.
Teletraining. If the course is taught in the teletraining modality (when the face-to-face part that the training action requires is equal to or less than 20% of its duration), the maximum subsidized cost per hour is 7.50 euros.
Mixed. If the course is mixed (face-to-face and online), the above limits apply depending on the face-to-face or teletraining hours you have.

In short, companies have an assigned amount each year, obtained by means of calculations extracted from the previous year’s contribution settlement receipts. Said amount can be used during the months of January to December of the current year, although it is not cumulative in future years, so it can be used until the end of the year.

To find out the credit available, you must enter the FUNDAE website (with accreditation) and you will be able to identify the amount of training credit available for the current year.

Our professionals will advise you on any question regarding training and bonuses.