C/ Enric Granados, 86-88, 5è 1ª – 5è 2ª, 08008 Barcelona · 93 268 87 40 info@ms-advocats.com
Mortgage loan: guarantors

Mortgage loan: guarantors

Nullity of a clause rejected because the average consumer knows that being someone’s guarantor means being liable for another in the event of non-payment. The determining factor for the transparency of a loan guarantee clause is that the guarantor is aware that,...
Your agreement becomes null and void

Your agreement becomes null and void

At the end of the year, the company agreement will reach the end of its term and has been denounced. How should you act? If the term of a collective bargaining agreement expires and one of the parties entitled to negotiate it denounces it (i.e. notifies the other...
Director’s remuneration: key aspects

Director’s remuneration: key aspects

How to establish the remuneration of the administrators in the statutes in order not to have problems with the Treasury or the Registry? According to the law, the position of director is free of charge unless the bylaws establish otherwise, in which case they must...
Civil law attorneys in Barcelona

Civil law attorneys in Barcelona

Looking for a civil law attorneys in Barcelona? Look no further, as there are plenty of experienced legal professionals available to lend their services to those seeking legal advice and representation. Whether you need help with a case or simply want guidance on how...
Have you not used up your vacation days?

Have you not used up your vacation days?

The year is coming to an end and one of your employees has not yet used up all his vacation days. Will he be entitled to take his vacation in 2023? Employees are entitled to 30 calendar days of vacation for each year worked (or the number of vacation days established...
Automobile insurance

Automobile insurance

Can the insurer refuse to cover damages caused by a driver who is not listed on the policy? It is a frequent situation that the youngest children use their parents’ vehicle, the latter being the only ones who appear as drivers of the vehicle in the insurance...